Tuesday, October 5, 2010

random boringness

Well hello there! I've been away a couple days! Sunday, I was just enjoying my weekend and yesterday, I had the sinus headache from hell, so those days were not blog worthy. Lol, not that there's anything new to report today! I can report that I have officially started on our Christmas shopping (I like to get it done by the beginning of Dec, so I start early) and I am officially leaving work early on Dec 23 (that's our Christmas Eve with Josh)!! Lately, I've been watching The Secret Life of Alex Mack on Itunes! I loved that show back in the day and I still do! So cheesy and so good!

Man, I loved that show! I read the books too. Teehee, I so loved the 90's.
In other news, I have been reading the Mass Effect novels, and I am loving them!

Jon played the games and I got really into watching him play those games! They have such in depth stories! (Side note, I can't play them myself, b/c a lot games make me motion sick b/c of the camera perspective). He got the books to read and I've been reading them right behind him! I read Revelation and loved that one, and now I'm almost 1/2 way through Ascension! So good! I wish there were more of the Krogan's in the books though. They are so my favorite species from the games! Anywho, I really don't have much else to blog about. I know I'm totally boring!!!

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