Friday, October 22, 2010

My new baby

Hello interwebs!!! I am feeling MUCH better today! My stomach is now a happy camper. I had the day off work today so that I could go to the social security office and officially change my name! Jon and I got up and about and went up to Columbus to go to the office. I am officially, by name, a Rhoades! Wee! While we were there, we stopped at Target and I got the best thing ever! A new camera! And not just any camera! I got a Canon EOS Rebel SX!!!

I have been wanting a digital SLR for a few years now but couldn't rationalize spending that much money on a camera. Jon and I decided the time was right, so we got it!!!!! I am so excited! I plan on playing with it all weekend! I can't wait to take nice pictures! Finally!!! For the rest of today, we plan on staying at home! Jon is really into playing Fallout New Vegas and now I have my new toy to mess around with!

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