Sunday, August 1, 2010

hello august, nice to see you again

August has arrived. How the heck did that happen?!?!??! Man I do not know where this year has gone! I haven't posted in a while, so here's a recap. Thursday, I took a 1/2 day from work and spent the afternoon with Becky and the kids. We went to Target and then Kaitlyn and I went to the party store while the boys took a nap. Friday night, I headed up to my parent's for the night, with Kelly in tow. It was so nice to be home again. I miss being on the farm.
Yesterday I had a bridal shower up at my parent's house. My sister's put it on and it was wonderful!!! My sisters are so awesome and even got me my favorite cake! I had such a good time! They made brunch for everyone and we played a couple of games. Then the presents! We got a lot of awesome stuff! I'm so excited to use it all! Squee!!! I also got the quintessential bow bouquet to use at my rehearsal!
After the shower, I came home and we relaxed. Well, we relaxed after going to pick Zach b/c his car broke down! Today, we went through everything we got and got the house a bit more organized. Well, as organized as it will be until after the wedding! I can't believe we are a month and a half away. It's just unreal!
Well, I am going to go enjoy what is left of my Sunday. Tomorrow, it's back to the grind!

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