Thursday, August 12, 2010!

I kept thinking it was Friday today! I guess that's because... I have tomorrow off! I'm going to have quite a day too! I have to get everything ready for the party, then Jon and I are going to get our marriage license!!! And then of course, we have the party! Methinks it shall be a good day! Tonight, I came home and Jon and I had dinner at his mom and Phil's. Then we went tot he store. It's kinda refreshing that we don't have to go grocery shopping again this weekend. I actually get a weekend! A whole one! I don't know what we'll do!
Oh man, I'm bushed. Sorry this post is so short. I'll make sure to update on Saturday, b/c honestly, I probably won't be able to tomorrow.
Oh and side note, I finished rereading the Harry Potter series. Every time I reread it, I'm amazed at how much I love it. It's just such an amazing series. I'm all ready or the movie on November 19th!!! I'm a little sad about their only being 2 movies left though! I won't be able to look forward to anything Harry Potter anymore! At least I'll be able to read the books and watch the movies as many times as I want!

*shiver* Oh I can't wait!

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