Tuesday, August 24, 2010

peaches and lace

I may have a bit of a problem. A peach problem. I can't stop eating them!!!! They are so yummy! Fresh only though, no canned peaches for this lady!!
So on to something not a total side note, I am super excited about making my new wedding projects! Thanks to www.heygorg.com for the stellar wedding ideas! I so cannot wait to see her wedding!!! It's a week after mine and I know her's is going to be so beautiful! Just check out her site and you will fall in love!
Anywho, I got lace to make the lace covered vases, which I will be putting candles in instead of flowers.

I also got enough lace to make a version of the lace seating chart pictured below. I'm going to put lace strips in black 8x10 picture frames and use them to hold the reserved signs for the family tables. It will look a little like this.

Cute right! And the serve another purpose! After the wedding, I'm going to hang them in my hallway and use them to hold/display pictures! I've been wanting to do a photo wall for a while and I think this is a great way to do it!!! I can't wait to get on these projects!!!! All I need to get is the glass containers and black picture frames.

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