Sunday, August 22, 2010

couples shower

Well this weekend has been a great mix of getting stuff done and lazing about. Yesterday, we went and got ties and shirts for the wedding. While we were out shopping, we found that game over t-shirt with the picture of the bride and groom on the front. I was so excited! Jon said he'll wear it the day of the wedding. After being out and about we came home for lunch and played a game of Sorry!. Josh won of course. He always wins when we play board games. For an 8 year old, he is really quite good at them!! Last night, we went to our couples shower at Jon's mom's house. It was a lot of fun. I may have drunk too much vodka for my own good! Jon's aunt Rachel got us the best cake!!!

Is that not awesome!!! Not to mention that it was way yummy too! Josh was so excited! He kept asking when we were going to cut the cake so he could play with the action figures! He's been playing with them ever since!! Thanks to everyone who planned and came to the shower!

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