Saturday, August 14, 2010

A License and a Luau

Oh what a day Friday was! Actually, our Friday bled into our Saturday! I haven't stayed up so late in a very long time!!! WE had such a good time though! Ok first off, we got our marriage license! It was so funny b/c they gave us a pamphlet about STD's and HIV!!! And you had to sign to say you received it! I'm sitting there wondering who marry's someone if they don't know they're sexual history! Or at least that they have been tested!! Eesh!

Anywho, after the getting of the marriage license, we went home and finished getting ready for the luau! We had so much fun! Everybody ended up coming, plus Zach ended up stopping by and staying the night!! Jon had a great birthday party!!! I am so bummed though, I didn't get any pictures of Dustin and Amber! They both came, but I must not have had my camera out!! :( We ended staying up till around 3am! It's been so long since I was up that late!! The suck part is, now I can't sleep. My internal clock has woken me up and there is no more sleeping for me! I definitely see a nap in my future!

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