Saturday, August 7, 2010

Photo Heavy

Well ladies and gents, I am typing this from my brand new computer!!! Yes I finally bit the bullet and got mahsself a new typin' machine! It is glorious I must say. I new my old computer was slow and totally messed up, but I didn't realize how long it had been running slow! This thing is super fast! I don't remember the last time I was on a computer that ran this fast! Love!
Not much to report today. I got home last night and Jon and I just ran some errands and hung around the house. Today, we went out to lunch with his family and then we cleaned our bathroom and put all our new stuff in it. It is beautiful! I'm going to post pictures of that in another post b/c it isn't completely done! However, since I am now able top post pictures again (god bless this wonderful new computer) I am going to now give you a photo heavy post to catch you up. Without further ado, here are some photo recaps!

My Bridal Shower!!!!!

My Twilight Mini-Bachelorette Party!

Learned How to Shoot A Gun!

My Bachelorette Party!

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