Sunday, November 6, 2011

What a Great Weekend

We had such a great weekend!  My mom and dad came to visit yesterday.  We went out for lunch and then showed them around the town.  We had such a good visit!  After they went home, we chilled out at home and watched Ghostbusters.  I made banana bread and it turned out pretty darn good!  

A little over done, but still tasted good!  Today we were up early to get ready.  Josh spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa Hardwick and got totally spoiled!  I hear they played put put, went shopping, and ate lunch out!  Jon and I went to Beef and Boards with my parents in Indy and saw It's a Wonderful Life.  It was a great show!  

The sun came out on the drive home and looked so pretty!  The best part of the weekend was seeing my parents 2 days in a row!   I miss them!  Now we've made it home.  We aren't taking Josh back to his mom until 7:30pm, so we're just enjoying some extra time with little man!  

1 comment:

  1. It's been years since I've seen your parents....I would have been 16 years I feel old. Anyways...your parents look great! Glad to hear you guys had a great time!
