Sunday, November 20, 2011


....the fact that our office and garage still are not cleaned out and we have been in this house 2 years.
....trying to describe how amazing Breaking Dawn is to the hubs.  He just doesn't understand.
....the chic texting on her cell phone throughout Breaking Dawn.  Didn't you come to WATCH the MOVIE! much I love Twilight.  Did I mention I saw Breaking Dawn pt 1?
....The fact that I'm emotionally attached to fictional characters.  I may need an intervention.
....When I realized I had been trying to think of a way to combine Twilight, Harry Potter, and Alice in Wonderland into one big awesome for 30 minutes.
....the road that leads to happy endings.

....Breaking Dawn pt 1.  I can't wait for pt 2!!!
....the pork roast I made for dinner
....Topeka being cute as a button!
....Breaking Dawn pt 1.  I'm going to have to have a party for pt 2.
....blueberry scones for breakfast much I love my husband.  Jon you are truly my soul mate.
....did I mention Breaking Dawn pt 1?
....happy endings.

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