Monday, November 21, 2011

Random Questions and My Answers

1. what's your favorite book?
I could never choose one favorite, but here a my top picks: Harry Potter series, Twilight series, anything by Agatha Christie, A Brave  New World by Aldous Huxley, Bridget Jones Diary

2. what do you love most about your husband?
All the little things.  It's cliche b/c it's true.  

3. what’s your motto?
to enjoy every moment, the good and the bad, b/c we only have this 1 life.  I intend to make the most of it, for better and for worse.

5. top 5 makeup bag items 
...MAC Studio Fix Powder Foundation
...MAC eye shadow in Woodwinked
...Urban Decay Naked Palette
...L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes
...Benefit Boi-ing concealer

6. where's a place in the US you've never been but are dying to visit?
...somewhere by the ocean because I've never seen it.  Hawaii sounds good.

7. why are you so cool?
I'm cool b/c I'm laid back.  I don't take life too seriously.
8. what's the one item in your closet you can't live without? the one thing that when nothing else is working out, you reach for? 
Leggings and a dress.

9. what did you want to do as a kid?
Oh my, I wanted nothing more than to be a singer and stay at home mom.  I hadn't quite figured out that you couldn't do both at the same time!

10. what was your favorite part of your wedding day?
Walking down the aisle on my father's arm towards Jon.  

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