Thursday, November 3, 2011

12 Reasonable Goals by 2012

I saw this on a few blogs and decided to give it a go.  (By the by, can you believe it will be November on Tuesday?!  Crazy!)

  1.  Make 3 new recipes
  2. Schedule and execute a photo shoot with David and Kate
  3. Complete a ribbon backdrop for my photo sessions
  4. Complete Christmas shopping (this is valid as some of our Christmas celebrations will not occur until 2012, so conceivably, I could put off finishing until after the new year, but now I won't!)
  5. Read 2 new books (hello Vampire Diaries!)
  6. Cut back on my iced tea consumption
  7. Lose 10 pounds
  8. Clean out the office
  9. Clean out the garage (I really don't want to have to scrape my car, yuck!)
  10. Plant my tulip bulbs
  11. Empty and reorganize kitchen cabinets
  12. Watch the original Star Wars trilogy
  13. Hardcore cleaning of the house

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