Sunday, November 13, 2011


Wowee is it windy today!  I'm just sitting in my living room listening to the wind howl around the house!  It's kinda spooky!  I feel like I should be sitting with some hot tea and a scary movie!  Perhaps I will!  Anyway, there was an interruption of life here.  It's now later and not quite so windy.
We just got back from David and Kate's and I have to say that Dexter is starting to pick up!  The first couple episodes had me a little worried, but it's getting gritty now!  Anywho, we had a pretty low key day.  Amber came over for a bit and I did a crap ton of laundry.  Dinner and Dexter at David and Kate's catches you up to the current moment.  Jon is neck deep in Skyrim, so I've been puttering around, not settling on anything.  I'm seriously debating going back in the bedroom and watching Friends.  And just for funnsies, a little lovey dovey moment.  Yes you are lucky people for getting in on this info, I'm sure it's just what you all want to read!  (insert sarcasm!) Regardless, here it is.  Saturday morning Jon and I are both wide awake at 5:30am.  So we lay in bed and laughed for an hour.  It's things like this, the little things, that make me love him so much.

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