Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

 We had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family!  I love getting to spend time with them!

I had to work Friday, but left right after to go shopping in Indy with my mom and sisters.  I picked up quite a lot of stuff.  We are almost done with our Christmas shopping now!  Woop!  I can't show what we got for other people, but here is the makeup I got for myself!

Stila Smudgepot in Kitten, Too Faced, London Butter Nail Polish in

Can't wait to us them!  I got home yesterday about 5ish and we watched Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.  Well, I only made it 3/4 of the way in and then I headed to bed.  Terrible movie, lol.
This week I am going to be decorating for Christmas.  I can't wait!  We need to get a new tree, so that's on the agenda for this week too, but we won't put it up until we get Josh on Friday.  One of our traditions is decoration the tree as a family!  I just love this time of year!  Sadly, today I must get back to the laundry.  Catch ya later!

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