Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dear Santa,

First off, thank you so much for my gifts last year!  I've tried to be good this year in hopes of another visit!  I don't ask for much.  Just a few things that would make my life more enjoyable.  Hope you and Mrs. Claus have had a good year.  If you can't manage it all, I'll take #9 first.

1. Stephanie Myers needs to write a new Twilight book
2. Teletransporation ability
3.  JK Rowlings needs to write a new Harry Potter book.
4.  $5000 Amazon gift card so I can buy all the lens's and camera stuff I want
5.  While we're at it, how about a cool $30 million.  Thanks.
6. A home library so big it has one of those ladders on wheels that go around the wall.
7. my own island so I can reenact Gilligan's Island
8. A movie theater (I'd like to be able to have movie marathons consisting strictly of my favorite movies on the big screen!)
9. Kindly do away with hunger, disease, violence, hatred, etc.  It really has no place in my world.
10. FRIENDS reunion.
Love, Sarah

{I don't ask for much, huh?}

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