Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Snow of the Season

Of course it was all melted by morning, but it was pretty while it lasted.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mexican Casserole

1 box jiffy corn muffin mix
1 can cream corn
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 stick butter
1 can corn
1 lb hamburger
1 can rotel, drained
1 cup shredded cheese
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Brown hamburger and drain.  Mix muffin mix, corns, sour cream, and butter.  Pour hamburger into bottom of 9x13 pan.  Layer rotel, beans, and cheese.  Spread corn mix over top.  Bake 1.5 hours.

Dear Santa,

First off, thank you so much for my gifts last year!  I've tried to be good this year in hopes of another visit!  I don't ask for much.  Just a few things that would make my life more enjoyable.  Hope you and Mrs. Claus have had a good year.  If you can't manage it all, I'll take #9 first.

1. Stephanie Myers needs to write a new Twilight book
2. Teletransporation ability
3.  JK Rowlings needs to write a new Harry Potter book.
4.  $5000 Amazon gift card so I can buy all the lens's and camera stuff I want
5.  While we're at it, how about a cool $30 million.  Thanks.
6. A home library so big it has one of those ladders on wheels that go around the wall.
7. my own island so I can reenact Gilligan's Island
8. A movie theater (I'd like to be able to have movie marathons consisting strictly of my favorite movies on the big screen!)
9. Kindly do away with hunger, disease, violence, hatred, etc.  It really has no place in my world.
10. FRIENDS reunion.
Love, Sarah

{I don't ask for much, huh?}

Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's Sunday!

Well hello there!  We are having a very lazy Sunday here in the Rhoades household.  There is some Skyrim being played, some Grinch being watched, some brownies baking, and some blogging all going on.

Basically, a lazy Sunday.  Aside from the laundry I'm doing, I plan on accomplishing nothing of consequence.  I had to work Friday, but left right after to go shopping in Indy with my mom and sisters.  I picked up quite a lot of stuff.  We are almost done with our Christmas shopping now!  Woop!  I can't show what we got for other people, but here is the makeup I got for myself!

Stila Smudgepot in Kitten, Too Faced Glamour To Go Pallette in Dream Edition, London Butter Nail Polish in The Old Bill

Can't wait to us them!  I got home yesterday about 5ish and we watched Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.  Well, I only made it 3/4 of the way in and then I headed to bed.  Terrible movie, lol.
This week I am going to be decorating for Christmas.  I can't wait!  We need to get a new tree, so that's on the agenda for this week too, but we won't put it up until we get Josh on Friday.  One of our traditions is decoration the tree as a family!  I just love this time of year!  Sadly, today I must get back to the laundry.  Catch ya later!

Thanksgiving 2011

 We had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family!  I love getting to spend time with them!

I had to work Friday, but left right after to go shopping in Indy with my mom and sisters.  I picked up quite a lot of stuff.  We are almost done with our Christmas shopping now!  Woop!  I can't show what we got for other people, but here is the makeup I got for myself!

Stila Smudgepot in Kitten, Too Faced, London Butter Nail Polish in

Can't wait to us them!  I got home yesterday about 5ish and we watched Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.  Well, I only made it 3/4 of the way in and then I headed to bed.  Terrible movie, lol.
This week I am going to be decorating for Christmas.  I can't wait!  We need to get a new tree, so that's on the agenda for this week too, but we won't put it up until we get Josh on Friday.  One of our traditions is decoration the tree as a family!  I just love this time of year!  Sadly, today I must get back to the laundry.  Catch ya later!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Random Questions and My Answers

1. what's your favorite book?
I could never choose one favorite, but here a my top picks: Harry Potter series, Twilight series, anything by Agatha Christie, A Brave  New World by Aldous Huxley, Bridget Jones Diary

2. what do you love most about your husband?
All the little things.  It's cliche b/c it's true.  

3. what’s your motto?
to enjoy every moment, the good and the bad, b/c we only have this 1 life.  I intend to make the most of it, for better and for worse.

5. top 5 makeup bag items 
...MAC Studio Fix Powder Foundation
...MAC eye shadow in Woodwinked
...Urban Decay Naked Palette
...L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes
...Benefit Boi-ing concealer

6. where's a place in the US you've never been but are dying to visit?
...somewhere by the ocean because I've never seen it.  Hawaii sounds good.

7. why are you so cool?
I'm cool b/c I'm laid back.  I don't take life too seriously.
8. what's the one item in your closet you can't live without? the one thing that when nothing else is working out, you reach for? 
Leggings and a dress.

9. what did you want to do as a kid?
Oh my, I wanted nothing more than to be a singer and stay at home mom.  I hadn't quite figured out that you couldn't do both at the same time!

10. what was your favorite part of your wedding day?
Walking down the aisle on my father's arm towards Jon.  

Sunday, November 20, 2011


....the fact that our office and garage still are not cleaned out and we have been in this house 2 years.
....trying to describe how amazing Breaking Dawn is to the hubs.  He just doesn't understand.
....the chic texting on her cell phone throughout Breaking Dawn.  Didn't you come to WATCH the MOVIE! much I love Twilight.  Did I mention I saw Breaking Dawn pt 1?
....The fact that I'm emotionally attached to fictional characters.  I may need an intervention.
....When I realized I had been trying to think of a way to combine Twilight, Harry Potter, and Alice in Wonderland into one big awesome for 30 minutes.
....the road that leads to happy endings.

....Breaking Dawn pt 1.  I can't wait for pt 2!!!
....the pork roast I made for dinner
....Topeka being cute as a button!
....Breaking Dawn pt 1.  I'm going to have to have a party for pt 2.
....blueberry scones for breakfast much I love my husband.  Jon you are truly my soul mate.
....did I mention Breaking Dawn pt 1?
....happy endings.

Breaking Dawn Pt 1 and other stuff

Squee!!! I am going to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 today!  This will probably be a continual blog  through out the day, so yeah.  So this weekend has been great so far!  Friday night, we picked Josh up and then just stayed in puttering around.  Yesterday, we played a game of Aggravation, watched The Rescuer's Down Under, did laundry (when am I NOT doing laundry?), did more work on cleaning out the office, and I watched some Friends.  Today has consisted of more laundry, more Friends, Risk Factions on the Xbox, cooking a roast (nom...) and that's about it so far.  Breaking Dawn is coming up soon and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!  Seriously I'm beyond excited.  Amber and Kate are going.  CAN'T WAIT!  Ok Amber's here, I'll be back!

I'm back.  OMG.  O...M....G...  I can't describe the experience I just had.  Breaking Dawn is.....SO.....AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!   Wow....just....WOW.  See it.  See it now.

Friday, November 18, 2011

I need to try these shake ideas!

Eggnog shake
Pumpkin pie shake
Apple pie shake
Peanut butter pretzel shake

Nom nom nom...

Pizza Pie

I don't have a picture because by the time I got back to the kitchen with my camera, the hubs was already digging in! Guess that means it's good!

1 pie crust
1 lb sausage, browned
1/2 onion, chopped
2 cups fresh mushrooms
1 1/1 cup shredded mozzarella
1/3 cup pizza sauce

Preheat oven to 375. Place pie crust in pan and bake 10 minutes. Brown sausage and transfer to plate. Add onion and mushrooms to grease and heat until tender. Layer in pie crust: sauce, meat, onion/mushroom mix, and cheese. Bake 30 minutes.

It's Here.

Monday, November 14, 2011

It is november mother nature!

73 degrees and humid is downright inappropriate!

Blogger app

Blogger now has an app. Schizzle

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Wowee is it windy today!  I'm just sitting in my living room listening to the wind howl around the house!  It's kinda spooky!  I feel like I should be sitting with some hot tea and a scary movie!  Perhaps I will!  Anyway, there was an interruption of life here.  It's now later and not quite so windy.
We just got back from David and Kate's and I have to say that Dexter is starting to pick up!  The first couple episodes had me a little worried, but it's getting gritty now!  Anywho, we had a pretty low key day.  Amber came over for a bit and I did a crap ton of laundry.  Dinner and Dexter at David and Kate's catches you up to the current moment.  Jon is neck deep in Skyrim, so I've been puttering around, not settling on anything.  I'm seriously debating going back in the bedroom and watching Friends.  And just for funnsies, a little lovey dovey moment.  Yes you are lucky people for getting in on this info, I'm sure it's just what you all want to read!  (insert sarcasm!) Regardless, here it is.  Saturday morning Jon and I are both wide awake at 5:30am.  So we lay in bed and laughed for an hour.  It's things like this, the little things, that make me love him so much.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

3 eggs
3/4 cups butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 3/4 cups oats
3/4 cups white sugar
3/4 cups brown sugar
1 1/4 cups flour
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1 cup raisins or chocolate chips

Mix it all together.  Dollop onto cookie sheet and bake at 375 for 10 minutes. Nom.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Well I'm guessing dates like this don't happen every day!  Make a wish!  Anywho, the best part about today is.....Jon and I are off work!  I pink puffy heart 3 day weekends!  And after an absolutely exhausting week, I need one!  We have been watching this cutie, but he goes home tomorrow.

Skyrim released at midnight, so of course Jon got it and I have no idea how late he was up playing!

I've already been told that today is reserved for gaming.  Totally ok with me!  I'm just going to catch up on some laundry then go and see Kate!  I may bake. I'm feeling very Susie Homemaker lately.  I think it's the cold weather and the upcoming holidays.  I adore this time of year!
In other news, I made Mom's Chop Suey Casserole.

Nom!  I've posted the recipe before. I forget how much I love this until I have it again.  And that was our day.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What a Great Weekend

We had such a great weekend!  My mom and dad came to visit yesterday.  We went out for lunch and then showed them around the town.  We had such a good visit!  After they went home, we chilled out at home and watched Ghostbusters.  I made banana bread and it turned out pretty darn good!  

A little over done, but still tasted good!  Today we were up early to get ready.  Josh spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa Hardwick and got totally spoiled!  I hear they played put put, went shopping, and ate lunch out!  Jon and I went to Beef and Boards with my parents in Indy and saw It's a Wonderful Life.  It was a great show!  

The sun came out on the drive home and looked so pretty!  The best part of the weekend was seeing my parents 2 days in a row!   I miss them!  Now we've made it home.  We aren't taking Josh back to his mom until 7:30pm, so we're just enjoying some extra time with little man!  

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lush Haul

I went online and ordered some Lush holiday stuff.  It's.....Here...

Back Row:
Satsumo Santa Bath Bomb
Abominaball Bath Bomb
Jack O'Lantern Bath Bomb

Middle Row:
Gingerbread House Bubble Bar
So White Bath Bomb
Lil' LUSH Pud Bath Bomb
Ruby Red Slippers Bubble Bar

Front Row:
Dark Angels Facial Cleanser sample
The Blonde Shampoo Bar sample

Banana Bread

{recipe adapted from}

4 ripe bananas
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of sea salt
pinch of cinnamon
1 1/2 cups flour

Mash the bananas then add all other ingredients in and mix.  Pour into a loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.  Nom.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Crockpot Chicken & Broccoli

3-4 chicken breasts
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can french onion soup
2 cups frozen broccoli
1 can mushrooms

Put it all in the crockpot and cook on high 4.5 hours.  Serve over rice.

12 Reasonable Goals by 2012

I saw this on a few blogs and decided to give it a go.  (By the by, can you believe it will be November on Tuesday?!  Crazy!)

  1.  Make 3 new recipes
  2. Schedule and execute a photo shoot with David and Kate
  3. Complete a ribbon backdrop for my photo sessions
  4. Complete Christmas shopping (this is valid as some of our Christmas celebrations will not occur until 2012, so conceivably, I could put off finishing until after the new year, but now I won't!)
  5. Read 2 new books (hello Vampire Diaries!)
  6. Cut back on my iced tea consumption
  7. Lose 10 pounds
  8. Clean out the office
  9. Clean out the garage (I really don't want to have to scrape my car, yuck!)
  10. Plant my tulip bulbs
  11. Empty and reorganize kitchen cabinets
  12. Watch the original Star Wars trilogy
  13. Hardcore cleaning of the house