Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Weekend in Bullet Points

  • friday night go to Dustin and Amber's for hanging out time.   
  • got kisses and hugs from zoey and spitup from brooklyn.  love those girls!
  • watched part of 300
  • came home and straight to bed
  • saturday morning grocery shopping
  • cheesy corn chowder making commenced while jon worked on his computer
  • halloween decorating!
  • zach came over to visit and brought gears of war.  not a fave of mine b/c there really isn't a plot.  i like a story in my games
  • kate and i went to columbus to do some halloween shopping!  such a fun time!  we hit up halloween city and target and got some good stuff!  
  • home to the boys!  had sonic for dinner (really must crack back down on my diet) and watched Team America: World Police
  • bed for me!  I was bushed!  
  • That's where we are right now.  I'm righting a blog post at 8:06am on Sunday morning.  Thinking of have a cup of coffee and listening to some Adele since I am addicted to both!

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