Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sarah on 09/25/2011

Just a quick post about who I am right now.  SInce this blog is supposed to be about preserving memories, I thought I'd preserve who I am right at this very moment!

  • listening - Adele, the Civil Wars, Bob Dylan, anything from the 90's
  • watching - Star Trek (original series and next generation), Felicity, Family Ties
  • planning - halloween!  
  • dreaming of - having a baby, not having a baby (you could say i'm not quite ready yet), turning a hobby into a career, a white christmas, a bitchin' halloween party, mass effect 3
  • doing right this moment - blogging, petting the cat, dreaming of coffee, waiting for Jon to wake up
  • feeling - well that's a loaded bullet point!  i feel content, but at the same time I'm anxious to move forward.  i'll blame it on a mini early mid life crisis.  i love my life and the people in it so very much and i'm really enjoying where i am in life at the moment, but at the same time, i'm ready to start a new chapter.  confusing huh?
  • apparently i'm liking bullet points!
  • loving the hubs more each day i'm with him!
  • so very happy that summer is over and fall has arrived!
I suppose that'll be it for now b/c I don't know what else to say!  Toodlepip!

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