Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Thursday and I'm Thirsty

OhEmGee!  I am so ready for this weekend!  This week has dragged!  Speaking of the weekend, we will be on a short vacation with Jon's family!  Sonnie and Phil rented a cabin so we will be staying Saturday and Sunday night.  I'm really excited!  It's my first family vacation with Jon's family, and apparently their first vacation with everybody in about a decade!  Woot!  So anywho, looking forward to that.  I'll be sure to take my camera and get some pictures!
I can't believe it's September!  Where has this year gone?  I also can't believe that Jon and I have almost been married a year!  WOW!  It goes so fast!  We haven't been up to much this week.  I did finish a project...I made a curtain!  See, I wanted sheers for the living room, but I really don't care for the look of traditional sheers.  I love ribbon walls, so I decided, why not try a ribbon sheer?  It looks awesome, IMHO!

Yes it's pink.  Yes Jon's ok with that.  Score!  I finally got pink in my home!  Woot!  Also, yes, that is Topeka taking in the neighborhood.  So cute, he is.
Also, check out this adorable owl oil burner!

So cute!  And so...yep.
Oh by the by, Bath and Body Works scented oils smell awesome!  I've been burning them in the new burner and they smell my entire house up!  Yum!

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