Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend 2011

This labor day weekend, I went on my first vacation with my in-laws.  The attendees were Sonnie, Phil, David, Kate, Jon, Me, Zach, and Zach's friend Matt.  We had the BEST weekend!  We went to a cabin at Camp Atterbury.  It was huge!  4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms, an enormous kitchen and living area, front and back porches, a grill and 2 tables on the porch, a fire pit, 2 picnic tables, and 8 lawn chairs in the back yard.  Also in the backyard was a pond with our very own pontoon boat.  Phil and Sonnie also rented kayaks and a canoe for us.  We arrived on Saturday and just got home a bit ago.  Here's what we did.
Day 1 (Saturday September 3rd)
 - I sunk a kayak, b/c I have super talent
 - Kate had to work until 5. BOO!  We were so happy when she got there!
 - Several people received small wounds.  I cut my knee open.  No idea how.
 - Phil won an epic game of Zombies
 - Phil grilled us dinner
 - a lot of kayaking, canoeing, and paddle boating happened
 - we watched, from the back deck,  a storm with a LOT of lighting come in
 - we sat around the campfire
 - swimming!

Day 2 ( Sunday September 4)
 - Zach made us breakfast
 - people took a lot of naps
 - kate caught her 1st ever fish!  She then proceeded to show us all up by catching 8 more!  and only 1 throw back!  She's got a talent!
 - All the gents on the trip went fishing
 - Total bluegill caught - 27
 - I made lunch
 - more swimming
 - kate and david had a kayak race, kate won!
 - David made us ham and beans for dinner, which we enjoyed around the fire pit
 - Jon and I took a romantic paddle boat ride
 - there was an embarrassingly failed attempt at a scary prank while watching Friday the 13th.
 - once again, we had a lovely campfire

Day 3 (today, September 5th)
 - Phil made us all breakfast
 - we packed all our stuff up
 - all the kids fed the breakfast leftovers to the fish.  with all of us out on the deck, shivering in the cold breeze, it really felt like the end of summer.  An end, but a new beginning.  An appropriate end to my 1st in-law vacation.
 - there was definitely a group photo!

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