Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm Just So Happy! It's Fall!

I am just in such a good mood today!  I feel so refreshed!  Nothing can bother me today!  I know the fall weather has a lot to do with it.  I LOVE fall!  It is by far my favorite season!  I love the cool temps and blustery days!  So today made me start thinking about why I love fall so much. Here is the short list.
1. fuzzy socks
2. color changing leaves
3. cool/crisp weather
4. Halloween
5. sweaters
6. boots
7. trips to the pumpkin patch
8. warm cider
9. caramel apples
10. raking leaves
11. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
12. Hocus Pocus
13. chili

I've noticed that when I make lists, I like to end them at 13.  It's my favorite number.  Anyway, there are just a few of the reasons I LOVE fall!  My hopes for this fall, or my 2011 fall bucket list as it were, includes the following:
1. camping trip
2. pumpkin picking
3. halloween party
4. celebrate my 1st wedding anniversary!
5. jump into a pile of leaves
6. chili cookoff with the in-laws
7. a drive along skyline (beautiful view with lots of trees for lovely)
8. drink some piping hot apple cider
9. go to a haunted...something!
10. carve/paint/decorate pumpkins from the patch
11. decorate house for fall/halloween
12. make smores around the fire pit
13. take Zach's senior pic's and pic's of David and Kate

I think that's all doable.  Fo' sho'.  

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