Sunday, September 18, 2011


Our first anniversary.  I can't believe it's been a year.  I love this man so much!  We are pretty low key people, so we didn't do anything extravagent for our anniversary.  I got up early and did the grocery shopping for the week.  When I got home, Jon suggested we get McDonald's breakfast, so we got that and ate breakfast in bed while watching an episode of The Real Ghostbusters.  After that we got showered and then basically hung around the house.  We cut our wedding cake top and each had some of that.  It tasted great!  I was unsure of how year old cake would taste, but it tasted as good as it did on our wedding day!  I was very impressed!  I don't know why, as our baker is a friend of the family and always makes amazing cakes!  Yum!  We went to David and Kate's for a lunch/dinner of pizza and we talked about Halloween party plans.  We came home and watched some Star Trek: The Next Generation (we are totally hooked) and have been relaxing.  I wouldn't mind celebrating every anniversary this way!

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