Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

do you believe in ghosts?

are you more of a
talker or a listener?
Depends on who I'm with!

would you rather get up
early or sleep late?
I'd like to sleep late, but my body clock gets me up.  But oh to sleep in again......

if you could instantly become
an expert at one type of dance,
what type would you choose?
Tap!  I took a class when I was little and I remember just loving it!

what is your favorite drink?
Grape Kool-Aid

if your house caught fire and
you could only grab three
things, what would they be?
My cat, my husband, my camera

if you could only visit one
restaurant for the next five
years, which would it be?
Hm, that's a tough one.  I'm gonna have to go with El Nopal.  It's a mexican restaurant here in town.  Yum!

who inspires you the most?
Another toughie!  I'll say my Mom and my Grandma.  Can't say just one. 

if you had your own talk show, who
would your first three guests be?
Let's see.  I'll go with Jennifer Aniston, Seth Rogen, and Shigeru Miyamoto

sneakers or sandals?

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