Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hot, hot, hot!

Man it is hotter than hades around here!  Whew!  It's either a swimming pool, or air conditioning if you want to be comfortable, otherwise just be ready to sweat!  I am looking forwards to being able to swim in Sonnie's pool!  Summer is definitely here to stay!  Anywho, we're just chilling at home today and trying to stay cool. We are probably going to go get ourselves a Tropical Sno (shaved ice/snowcones) and drop a book off at the library, but other than that, we're just going to putter around at home.  I love days like that!
In other news, my birthday is tomorrow!  Woop!  I'll be a respectable 29 years old! I don't know why that is respectable to me.  Hm...  Anyway, we are going to go to Indy tomorrow.  Josh is going to Beef and Boards with my parents and the older cousins while Jon and I go to lunch and then visit Becky's family.  It should be a fun day!  So yeah. Oh a couple other bullet points for today:
#1 I finally found popsicle molds!  They are cheapy and small, but they'll work!  I can't wait to make homemade popsicles and pudding pops!
#2 On Monday I will be officially off pop (not counting Sprite) for 1 month!  
#3 I posted a couple of videos on youtube.
#4 I am on another spending freeze.  I need to stop spending.  So no spending in June!  Ok, well starting tomorrow, b/c I got a couple things at Walmart, so no spending until July....10th.  Yeah that sounds good. 7/10/2011!
#5 I am SO EXCITED about watching the new/last Harry Potter!  And the Deathly Hollows Pt 2 is going to completely ROCK!  SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

And that is all.

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