Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thus Far

So this week thus far has been busy and it doesn't look like it's going to be letting up!  Monday I actually went home from work early b/c I was feeling all wonky.  I actually had to sit down in the file room while i was, you know, filing, b/c I got so dizzy/nauseous!  I came home at lunch and just slept!  I didn't wake up til Jon got home.  We picked Josh up Monday night b/c we get him all week!  Jon and Josh went swimming at Sonnies. I went but pretty much sat in the hot tub and relaxed.  I felt much better yesterday though!  I think the sickness is a virus b/c Jon said he felt funky too.  Anywho, Tuesday we went to Sonnie's for Phil's famous ribs.  Seriously, they are the bomb diggity.  We stayed there for a while and Josh swam the whole time!  In fact, Jon and I went home and Josh stayed to swim!  Sonnie brought him home later.  Today my car went to the shop and $470 later, it is fixed.  Except for the tire.  Apparently in addition to the air/heat not working, brake issues, leaking fluids, and alignment issues, I also need a new tire.  Yeah.  At least it's fixed!  Sonnie picked me up and took me to work and Jon picked me up from work and we went and picked up my car.  If you live in Seymour, check out The Garage.  They do good work at a decent price!  Yea!  After picking up my car, we went to the Legion to have dinner with Chris and Dave (grandparents).  Mike and Michelle (Jon's Dad and stepmom), David, and Zach were also there.  Oh but Chris wasn't b/c she isn't feeling well. See!  Totally a sickness going around.  You have been warned!  Now we're home and just chilling out.  I think we are taking tomorrow night off and staying in.  We have some cleaning to do b/c my family is coming this weekend to visit.  At least we're off Friday.  Woop!  We're thinking car shopping on Friday.  We'll see.  Hopefully we find something we like that's affordable.  Anyway that's our week thus far!  Toodles!

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