Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Good Gracious!

I've been a bit sporadic in my posting lately, and I think it's b/c I've lost my mojo.  I just haven't had anything to blog about.  I have been making a lot of youtube videos b/c I find them easier to do than trying to write a blog post.  It's really just laziness combined with how busy we've been lately.  Anywho, I may not be posting every day like I used to, but I will try to stay up to date!  So.  With that said, HI!  E3 was this week and Jon has been checking it out so he can post about it on, his website.  Well his and Dustin's.  Anyway I caught the Nintendo action yesterday.  I am pretty psyched about the games coming out for the 3DS, so we are definitely going to be getting one.  Also, the new controller for the Wii U looks so freaking cool!  Cannot WAIT to try that out!  Honestly, I didn't see much innovation on the part of XBOX, which I know some people will disagree with, but it just looked like a rehash of what's already out.  I didn't see the Playstation stuff, so I can't speak to that.  That's been our life this week thus far.  We're going to take it easy this week b/c we are going to my parents on Sunday to celebrate Father's Day with my dad.
That's all for tonight folks!

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