Saturday, June 25, 2011

No I'm Not Dead

Hello! I am back blog world!  I had a bad bout of the flu this week, but I am back and healthy.  Well mostly.  During this nasty flu, I managed to burst the blood vessels in my face and eyes.

These pictures were taken the day after I was sick.  My face has almost cleared up (you can't really see how bad it was in the pics) but my eyes have actually gotten worse.  I look diseased!  I know there is nothing I can do but wait for them to go away, but they are so nasty looking!  Anyway.  This week consisted of the following:
Monday - cut down a tree and had dinner with David and Kate
Tuesday - doomsday filled with the flu of death
Wednesday - hazy day of aftersickness
Thursday - short visit with Sonnie and Phil, then home
Friday - picked berries with Mike and Michelle, then home
Today - Walmart trip, hanging out at home, back to blogging!

So yea.  I wish I had taken my camera berry picking last night, but I didn't even think of it! Mike (Jon's Dad) grows raspberries and blackberries (and a plethora of other things) so we headed over and picked some.  I see blackberry cobbler in our future.  Anyway, you've been caught up.  I'll try to be around more this week!  Of course on Friday we start our vacation and there is NO internet or cell phone service where we are going, so I'll be gone for about another week, but I'll be back with post updates and LOTS of pictures! Anywho, that's about that.  Check out my youtube channel for a new videos, coming soon.

Oh and SUPER YEA AWESOMENESS WITH RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS AND WORLD PEACE!  NY legalized gay marriage!  One step forward at a time!  We'll get there eventually!

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