Monday, June 27, 2011


I am totally a schlump today.  Ok so Saturday night we ended up going to Amber and Dustin's for the evening and hanging out.  We had such a great time!  Nothing like hanging out with your besties!  Sunday, we hung out at home.  I did some laundry then Zach came over and we watched some Twin Peaks.  Today was back to work.  I came home and we haven't done much.  We're both totally zapped b/c neither of us slept well last night.  We're chilling out at the moment, but I think before long we are headed to bed.  I am so mad though!  I had uploaded a bunch of clips onto youtube and was putting them all together in one vid and my internet went crazy and deleted them all! Argh!  I plan on filming another day in my life soon and hopefully will get it put up on youtube.  Maybe while on vacation!  I am pretty sure there will be lots of videos and posts from vacation! We are going to have so much fun!

In other news, the spending freeze is going well!  I have started a list of products I want to try and I'm going to prioritize them and limit myself once I'm allowed to spend again.  Seeing as we just got a new car
(which I LOVE by the way) we are trying to really reign in our spending to save some money.

Disclaimer: I'm about to talk about videos games.  I watched these games but did not play them.  Jon would agree with my statements though and he played them.  And yes I asked him about his opinion.
Jon finished playing L.A. Noir and I have to say I was disappointed.  It was a really strong game for a while, but it really petered out and was anti-climactic at the end.  He also finished Duke Nukem Forever and man was that game fun!  Obviously you can't take it seriously, but it was just a really fun silly game.  He's now playing Infamous 2, which is really kickbutt!  Awesome game! We're also playing through The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker which is simply amazing.  I have a serious soft spot for Zelda games!

Other than that we are really just gaming up for vaca.  We've started packing and are really catching up on all our chores so we're ready to go.  Lil' bro is house/cat sitting for us, so that's nice b/c we don't have to worry about that while we're away.  Well I'm off folks, have a great night!

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