Sunday, June 12, 2011


Well poop.  We were supposed to go to my parents today to celebrate an early Father's Day with my Dad, but my stupid janky-butt car decided that today was a good day to go completely bat-shiz crazy and now we are staying home.  Harumph.  So I called Dad and told him we weren't going to make it.  Total bummer.  Instead we will be staying home, doing copious amounts of laundry and cleaning the house.  Productive? Yes.  Fun?  Not so much.
Anywho, a Saturday recap is in order.  I got up early and went to Walmart for the weekly grocery shopping and ended up getting a whole lot of lake stuff for Michigan and very few groceries.  We piddled around at home for a bit, then took a nap.  Last night we headed over to Dustin and Amber's for some good old fashioned chat time.  Good times were had and we were out until 1:30am.  We got up early this morning to get going to go to my parent's.  I made some corn salsa while Jon showered, then we headed out.  Then the car went nutso, so we came back.  And now I'm stuck with 2 quarts of corn salsa.  That is a LOT of salsa.
We are going to take my car in this week to have it looked at.  We are also going to start seriously looking for a new car to replace Jon's.  Then he'll drive my old car and I get the new one.  I'm such a nice wifey, yes?  Anyway.  Oh yeah we ordered a new coffee table!  I'm so excited!  It's going to be so pretty!  Our current coffee table is an old hand me down from....somebody.  It's really wobbly and none to pretty to look at.  We were ordering a new nightstand for our bedroom, so we decided to order the new coffee table too.  I can't wait to get it!  I tried to copy the pic from the website, but it wouldn't work, so you'll just have to wait until we get it!
So that's pretty much it for now.  Toots!

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