Sunday, January 31, 2010

27 Things about me at 27

I decided to give 27 things about me at 27, aside from the obvious, I love to cook and scrapbook. That's pretty obvious already if you read my blog. So here goes!

1. My favorite movie is Alice in Wonderland...the Disney version
2. My favorite colors are pink, red, and black
3. I have given in to the Twilight craze...and fallen in love with the books
4. I long ago fell in love with the Harry Potter series
5. Agatha Christie and Aldus Huxley are my favorite authors
6. I really, really, really, want a Canon EOS Digital Rebel X SI camera. Really.
7. I am way too cheap to spend the money on #6
8. The only chapstick I will use is Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm
9. I love Cadbury Eggs
10. I listen to Bob and Tom every morning on the way to work
11. My dream home has a library with floor to ceiling book shelves on all four walls
12. My favorite holiday is a tie between Halloween and Christmas
13. My lucky number is 13
14. Jon and I like to listen to music on vinyl. Music really does sound a ton better on records.
15. I have one tattoo, but I want to get 2 more. I probably won't.
16. I love the word spectacles
17. I would eat mushrooms all day, every day if I could
18. My absolute, favorite tv show of all time is The Golden Girls. I own all 7 seasons, some of the twice b/c I wore out the first ones.
19. I prefer older tv shows, like Gilligan's Island, the Golden Girls, Bewitched, Three's Company, etc, to new ones. But I do love me some Friends. And Bones. And How i Met Your Mother. Maybe I do like modern tv.
20. I love high heels, and have several pairs, but I don't wear them b/c I have an irrational fear I will break my ankles.
21. I am obsessed with candles. I love them. LOVE them.
22. I love Laughing Cow Cheese
23. I am one of 5 daughters, no brothers.
24. I drove a 1977, orange, Ford pickup in highschool. It was a beast!
25. My drink of choice is Diet Coke and Parrot Bay
26. I am deathly afraid of spiders
27. I love peonies and tulips.

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