Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thoughts of the day

I have to go into work today. On a Sunday!!! Grrr.

Jon and I are going to register next weekend! Yipee! It makes the wedding feel real somehow.

My neck hurts. And my arm. I hate tetanus shots.

My neck reeeaaaaly hurts. And its swollen. This can't be normal. Did I mention I hate tetanus shots?

Last night, Jon's family came over and we had dinner and played board games. Funtimes all around. Plus, my recipe was a hit! Woot!

So far, project 365 is going pretty well, I am taking lots of pictures. Now I just need to print them.

I am not going to shower until after work. Call me dirty. I don't care. Because I have to work on a Sunday!

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