Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Super Mario Brothers Wii...SQUEE!!!!!

Oh my gosh! This game is so much fun! As someone who grew up on the original NES Super Mario Brothers, I am a side-scroll gamer at heart. I was so excited to see this come to the Wii! I played the New Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo DS and had a blast. Love the Mega Mushroom! I was psyched to see the version for the Wii come out. Mario on the big screen?!?!?!? Sign me up! Now, I am by no means a hardcore gamer. I'm more of a watch my fiance play games person. I'll join in once in a while, and I do own my own NES, Dreamcast, Nintendo DS, and Wii. But I am lost when it comes to 3-D games. I have issues. I have trouble controlling them and I get motion sickness. Pathetic huh? But side-scroll games I can play forever. Long, rambling story short, this game is awesome. You can play with up to 4 people at the same time, or by yourself. Either way, it's a ton of fun.

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