Sunday, May 6, 2012

What a Great Weekend

We had such a good weekend!  Friday night we picked up Josh and spent the evening in.  13 Dead End Drive was calling our names!

Saturday we sat around the house getting caught up on laundry and such.  Then we headed to Jon's dad's house for a visit.  The dogs are so cute.  I can't wait to see their puppies!

That evening, I had a photo shoot with David and Kate.  It was so much fun!  I was really glad to get some more experience.  

I couldn't' stop editing once I got started.  I stayed up until 2 in the morning!  Well, I suppose the whole truth is we stayed up later than normal anyway.  We wanted to see the supermoon!  It was so cool!  We borrowed Zach's telescope and got to see the moon really clearly!  

Sunday was a lazy day.  The weather lately has been hot and humid and has given me cravings for summer food.  We kicked off the warm season with strawberry shortcake and my new favorite drink, mint iced tea.

I am seriously in love with the tea! It's so simple you really don't need a recipe.  Basically, brew your iced tea as you normally would.  Crush some fresh mint and put in the tea.  Let it sit at least an hour.  Drink!  I love how subtle the mint is.  We got a houseful at one point when David, Kate, Zach, Sonnie, and Phil all stopped by.  I love it when we all get together!  Lucky for me, we're all having lunch this Wednesday!  Now I'm just blogging away and relaxin'!  

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