Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer has arrived

Summer is pretty much officially here around these parts.  Josh has 2 weeks left of school, it was 90 degrees yesterday, and Jon and I go on vacation in one week!!!!!  I am LOVING summer!  Yesterday was a great Saturday, if a little too hot for my taste.  Jon and Josh had a squirt gun battle in the back yard and we hit up Sonic for happy hour slushies!  I did laundry and took a wee bit of time to myself and watched a few youtube videos outside whilst sippin' on my slushie.  We each picked out a record and listened to them all in a row.  This is something we've been doing a lot lately.  Just putting a record on and relaxing to the music.  I'm loving it!  We capped off the awesomeness of the day with a viewing of Ghostbusters. Today I did more laundry and the boys did dishes. Then we lazed about the house for a while.  It is the weekend after all.

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