Thursday, May 10, 2012

Martha's 50 Ways of Summer

Found this list on  I have been loving this blog!  So much that I turned into a stalker and I'm currently reading the entire backlog of posts!  I'm getting tons of recipe ideas!  Anyway, I just thought this list was so cute!  Leave it to Martha Stewart! I can't say I'll try all of these, but I do love a good list to check off!  

  1. Eating a ripe peach at its peak. 
  2. Dig into a funnel cake or corn dog at a state fair or hometown street festival.
  3. Spend the day outdoors loaded up with picnic fare. 
  4. Watermelon juice for a day at the beach: puree the fruit in a blender and don't forget the ice.
  5. Make homemade barbecue sauce for grilled chicken or ribs. 
  6. Strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone is worth sticky fingers.
  7. Sharing a box of saltwater taffy on the boardwalk.
  8. Throw summery herbs like basil and cilantro into a dinner salad. 
  9. BLTs with heirloom tomatoes and smoky, thick cut bacon. 
  10. After picking blueberries and eating your fill, freeze the rest for pancakes.
  11. Your turn to grill dinner? Good time for a cold beer.
  12. Corn on the cob with salt, pepper and fresh lime.
  13. Cooking what you've bought at the farmers' market as soon as you get home.
  14. A big pitcher of punch or sangria made with seasonal fruit. 
  15. Making jam or pickling vegetables.
  16. Cracker Jacks and foot-long hot dog at the ball park.
  17. Coconut-cherry smoothie: Pitted cherries blended with coconut milk and ice- hammock and warm breeze optional.
  18. A special occasion calls for a double-crusted jumble-berry pie with raspberries, blueberries and blackberries.
  19. Delicious potato salad: toss the spuds with dressing while they're still warm.
  20. Sipping the perfect iced coffee.  The secret ingredient? Cubes of frozen coffee.
  21. Salads for dinner because it's too hot to cook.
  22. You haven't made strawberry shortcake yet?  Get cracking!
  23. Best tomato sandwich: thick slices of juicy beefsteaks, mayo, salt and pepper on lightly toasted bread.
  24. Make a refreshing Arnold Palmer: half iced tea, half lemonade.
  25. Thunderstorm?  Have fun indoors with board games and homemade ice pops. 
  26. Sunset cocktails on the beach. 
  27. Eating leftover pie for breakfast.
  28. Trade some of your bumper crop of zucchini for a neighbor's sweet peppers.
  29. Fresh shrimp on soft white bread with malt vinegar. 
  30. Use chocolate wafers for ice cream sandwiches. 
  31. Pucker up: slurp a fresh-squeezed limeade sweetened with agave.
  32. Perfect your dry-rub recipe, then enjoy the raves.
  33. Savor a lobster roll on a buttered, griddled hot-dog bun. 
  34. Fresh and fuss-free: gazpacho or tomato bread salad. 
  35. Beach bonfire and clam bake.
  36. Spice up fish or pork with mango salsa.
  37. Any excuse for a pool party.
  38. Stir pesto into softened butter and add to grilled corn, vegetables or steak.
  39. Unexpected dessert: grilled plums and nectarines.
  40. Bacon-wrapped scallop kebabs.
  41. Snack on pretty radishes with sweet butter and sea salt.
  42. Grilling burgers to order for a crowd.
  43. A pulled-pork sandwich with extra coleslaw.
  44. A refrigerator filled with watermelons and beer.
  45. Nothing beats chips and salsa (homemade, of course).
  46. A big jug of iced tea with fresh spearmint.
  47. Eating tomatoes off the vine.
  48. Finding the perfect stick for roasting marshmallows.
  49. Bowls of corn chowder or an unexpectedly cool evening. 
  50. Sitting in the pool eating watermelon. 

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