Saturday, May 12, 2012

Life and a Puppy

I seriously don't know what happened to last, week, but I am glad it's the weekend!  Monday night Schatzi had her puppies.  Sadly, only one lived, but she sure is a sweet little thing!

Awwwww!  Cuteness overload!  Wednesday night we headed over to Sonnie and Phil's for a cookout!  Not so good was the fact that Kate got hit by a car on the way there!  She's ok, just a lot of bumps and bruises.  It did make for an eventful evening though.  The whole week seems like a blur.  I'm sure the weekend will too!  Just now we are off to look at treadmills and get a present for miss Brooklyn who is having her first birthday party today!  Hope you all have a great weekend!

PS I took this really cool picture of birds in one of our trees.  I love how his wing is going so fast it's almost transparent!

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