Thursday, May 3, 2012

stuff n nonsense

I'm so very glad tomorrow is Friday.  This week started off comically bad.  Monday morning I had to drive my car through mine and my neighbors yards to get to the road.  Why?  Because some construction worker had parked their huge truck directly in front of my drive way.  And left.   Let's just say the rest of my Monday followed this precedent.  Tuesday was rough at work.  I missed lunch, so I left at 4 which was nice.  Jon and I stopped by The 13th Floor and picked up a Primus album on vinyl. Then David and Kate came over for dinner and we talked wedding and pictures.  Wednesday was skippable.  Today has been redeemed by a visit from Dustin.  Always fun :).  I'm really looking forward to this weekend.  Saturday is calling my name with a pedicure with Amber.  I love girl time!  Later Saturday I've got a photo shoot with David and Kate, which I've been dying to do!  I just hope the weather holds!  Anywho, that's what happened this week.  Oh and Topeka was super cute too. :)

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