Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sometimes, you just wander into areas you're not ready for...

The title is a quote from Jon whilst playing Morrowind.  We spent some time with that this weekend.  We also attended the first birthday party of lil' miss Brooklyn!
(pilfered this pic from Dustin's facebook)

I can't believe she's one!  Of course, today is Mother's Day so we made the rounds with Jon's family.  I called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother's day.  I can't wait to see her in a couple weeks!  I got the best present ever!  It's a combined Mother's Day/early birthday/early anniversary present.

We got a treadmill!  I've been wanting one for ages b/c I really want to get in healthier shape.  I plan on watching the entire Friends series while walking. ;)  Anywho, that was our weekend in a nutshell.

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