Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pink Willies & the Vet

We went to Pink Willies for the first time today!  It was pretty tasty!  We tried the Naked Dog, the Cousin Vinnie, and the Uncle Charlie.  All got two thumbs up!  For those not from Seymour, Pink Willies aka The Dog House is a hot dog restaurant here in town.  Anywho, we liked it.  Not somewhere we would go all the time, but good for the every once in a while eats.
After that we came home and chilled for a bit.  Then it was off to the vet with Topeka, our cat. See, when we left for vacation, he had a scab under his chin and another scabby area at the base of his tail.  Neither were large, and I figured he had probably scratched himself.  We come home 5 days later, and now he as scabby areas all along his spine and a bald/scabby spot under his chin.  Clearly something is up.  Google came up with several possibilities, so today we took him to the vet to see what is going on.  Turns out the Pekmaister has allergies!  The doc said it could be anything and typically a cortisone shot and antibiotics will take care of seasonal allergies, so that's what Topeka got!
We're home now doing laundry, playing Windwaker, and getting ready to start dinner.  David and Kate are coming over to hang out tonight, so good times should be ahead.  

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