Friday, July 22, 2011


Um, yo.  So I've been gone a bit.  No excuses, just haven't taken the time to blog.  Ok maybe I'll use one or two excuses that will in turn update you on my whereabouts!  So I started swimming last week.  I'm really trying to do at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.  So far so good.  Except that now we are in a super heat wave and it's actually not safe to do physical activity outside during the day, so I'm going to have to figure out some early morning or late evening swims.  No biggsies, I shall prevail!

Oh and did you know that Borders is closing?  I'm seriously put out about this.  I love Borders!  Barnes and Noble is just not the same.  Sads.

Hopefully I will have some more interesting things to post about coming up.  The fair starts Sunday and I really want to go, so perhaps that.  It's just so darn hot!  Seriously, I think we're dangerously close to another ice age.  Just saying.  The world will correct itself.  Yikes, better come up with an ice age contingency plan!  Anywho, I'm going to stop randomly rambling and go.  If you desperately need more of me (and who doesn't, I say) check out my youtube.  I'm SarahNaeScoop.  And now that my shameless self promotion attained.  Laters!

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