Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's 7am and I am wide awake.  My 10 year high school reunion was last night but I punked out on it.  Jon still doesn't have his teeth, and I most definitely was not going to make him meet 30 new people with no chompers.  Plus we had Josh this weekend and I try not to miss out on time with him.  I am sad that I missed it though.  It was probably my last chance to see some of those people and it would have been nice to catch up.  Oh well, I hope everyone who was able to go had fun!

Instead of the reunion, we went swimming and the Zach joined us at home for some grilled chicken and gaming.  Jon got The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion and they were tearing it up.  I actually passed out around 9:30pm.  Pathetic I know.  I was just super tired!  Anyway that's probably why I'm awake at 7am!

So this week I swam a total of 4 days.  2 for 45 minutes, 1 for 30 minutes, and 1 for 20 minutes.  I'm working out by swimming if you didn't know.  This is just the beginning people!  I am very determined to make it this time.  I've started working out and eating right before, but it never stuck.  I always found a reason to keep eating badly and sitting on my ass.  This time feels different and I think that's b/c it is.  I WANT to be healthy!  So the plan for now, for as long as the weather holds out for swimming, is to swim 5 days a week (Thursday's and Sunday's are my days off).  I also have downloaded an app on my ipod that tracks my exercise and calories.  So far I've had a good week!  I don't expect to be perfect.  I'm going to mess up sometimes, but that's ok.  I'm human!  Currently I'm in the "push through it" phase.  That part where you were going strong for a few days and then it starts getting harder and you REALLY want to quit.  But this time, I'm not going to quit.

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