Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mass Effect Retribution Review

Mass Effect Retribution is the third and for now, final book in the Mass Effect series.  Once again, we find ourselves following Kahlee Sanders.  This time around, she is trying to save Paul Grayson. He has turned his life around, but has now become a tool of the Reapers, courtesy of Cerberus and one of their nasty experiments.  The book follows Kahlee and David Anderson on their journey to save Grayson from his impending doom.  We meet a lot of new characters in this book and they add to the plot without confusing it. Our old friend The Illusive Man is back and if you take nothing else from this book, it is that you do not mess with The Illusive Man!  This book really pulls you in at the very beginning.  It starts off strong and the action does not stop until the end.

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