Saturday, October 22, 2011


Just a quick post to update our life lately! Not much happened this week.  Work is insane and it's looking like it will be until March.  Not fun per-say, but at least the work day's go fast!  Wednesday was Gamgam dinner night and the whole bunch was there!  Mike, Michelle, David, Kate, Zach, Jon, me, and of course, Christ (Gamgam) and Dave (Papaw).  It was really nice to have everybody together!  We got Josh Thursday as he is on fall break today, so that's awesome!  We'll always take extra time with him!
Today was fairly busy. Started with my usual Saturday morning grocery shopping trip.  Nothing super fun there.  Once I got home I got the guys fed and showered, then we headed out for haircuts!

Don't we look nice all trimmed up?   Next up on the agenda is dropping off fundraising stuff, lunch, helping David and Kate decorate for the party, then home for some Halloweeny shenanigans!

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