Thursday, October 6, 2011

On My Mind...

...sometimes I think about how weird it is that I'm a wife.  WIFE.  I love it, but sometimes it's surreal to think about it!

...I have serious issues with (some) political correctness.  If you get offended by me trying to be nice and tell you Merry Christmas, Happy Halloween, etc, then you are way too sensitive.  Get over it.  I was trying to be nice and friendly.  You were the jerk by turning a nice gesture into a political agenda.

...I love fall!  So excited for this weekend!  On the menu...campfires/haunted happenings/weenie roasts/pumpkin picking

...I love Star Trek!  We've been watching a lot of the original series and The Next Generation.

...made chicken and noodles today, sans chicken.  Turned out really good!  yummo!

...I have a crush on Spock.  Yep I like Nimoy.

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