Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yada Yada Yada

There is no point to this post!  Just wanted to get that out there at the beginning!  So I've been having a good weekend so far!  Yesterday I took a trip to Indy to see 3 of my sisters, my mom, 3 nephew, and a niece!  I did a tutu session with said niece, so pictures will be coming!  Unfortunately, I had to take them at 10am, so the lighting wasn't the best b/c of shadows, but I did the best I could and I think we got some good shots!  After that was lunch at Applebee's where you must check out their under 550 calorie meals!  I had the asiago peppercorn steak and oh yum!  It was delicious!  Nom!  Then we all headed to Target where I managed to reign myself in and only got a few things!  I came home and last night Zach came over and we have Josh, so we had dinner and watched the Super Mario Brothers movie.  So cheesy and so bad, but still good.  I know a lot of people would disagree, and I know it's a terrible movie, but I still like it!
So now it's Sunday morning and I'm relaxing with some blogging, youtubing, and a cup of coffee!  Ah, that's the stuff.
I'm excited about the next few months as far as photo shoots go b/c I have 3 coming up!  I'm taking Zach's senior pictures, and I'm doing a couple session with David and Kate.  In October I'm doing a session with the Allen kids (nieces and nephew) so that should be fun too!  I just love taking pictures!  I like to challenge myself to get better at them and find new ways to take them!  I wish I could find an amateur photography class in my area, but no.  I would love to take a class!  For now I'm just learning on my own with a little help from the internet!
Anywho, I've got to say I've been trying to think of things to blog and I'm coming up dry!  I realized updates on my life are only so interesting, so I've been brainstorming about other things to do!  Any ideas?

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