Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fun Times Indeed

Wow I have had such a good weekend (so far)!  Friday night Jon and I stayed in and watched the movie Paul.  It was really good!  Saturday started with a visit with David and Kate.  Then the boys headed out for a hike (brother time and all that  jazz) and I headed to Target for some retail therapy!  I'm so excited b/c I found tutu's!  I'm definitely going to be doing a tutu session with Kaitlyn next weekend!  Then it was home for lunch and a bit of a nap.  Then we headed over to Amber and Dustin's.  We ended up staying there until after 3am!  I can't wait to see what today holds!  So far sleeping until 11:30am!  Yikes!  I haven't done that in years!  Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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