Sunday, August 7, 2011

grumble grumble

Crap day.  Total crap.  TMI, but I started my period and I feel like crap.  My company picnic was today, but all I managed to do was take the 6 dozen brownies I made then I made my way back home to my heating pad.  Sigh.  That's what I've done today pretty much.  The cat loved that we were home all day, but considering we had multiple plans, I was bummed.
Anyway, Friday and Saturday were productive/fun at least! Friday was work of course, then Zach came over and we watched some Twin Peaks and played a game of Nintendo Monopoly!  I also made my first batch of brownies, which we partook of.

Saturday, I got the grocery shopping done in the morning, then Jon and I headed to Columbus.  I needed to exchange my swim cap (I got the wrong kind) and Jon wanted the new bluray The Lord of the Rings Extended cut boxset.  We have been watching the extended cuts of the movies and I love them so!  We came home for lunch, which is when I made the 6 dozen brownies for the picnic.

 Then we spent a couple hours just chillaxing.  Last night, Dan and Rachel came down and we all got together at Dustin and Amber's house and played Zombies!!!.  It was a good time fo sho.
Then today...crap.  At least the weather partially matched my mood.  It was cloudy/oppressively humid this morning.  I did manage to get a couple loads of laundry done, but only b/c I had zero clothes clean that were appropriate for the office and the heat.  Now we are playing a little Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivian.
So overall, not too shabby a weekend!

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