Tuesday, August 16, 2011


You know what sucks?  The stomach flu.  You know what sucks even more?  Having the stomach flue twice in a 2 month span.  Yep.  That SUUUUUCKKS!@!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!L!K#K!#J!#
So in case you missed it, I had the stomach flu yesterday.  It was extremely unpleasant.  It was made more unpleasant by the fact that a mere 2 months ago, I had the stomach flu.  Why?  WHY?!?!?!  Today is better.  I made it to work and managed to actually get some work done.  *huff*
Before the sickness we a weekend!  Saturday we treated the house and the cat for fleas.  We're still working on it.  The good news is that the fleas we are still finding on Topeka are pretty much dead.  Still moving, but on their way out the door.  We managed to have all that done AND open a savings account for Josh by 12:30pm.  We celebrated by having lunch at Rockford.  That afternoon, we pretty much chillaxed at the homefront.  Zach came over that night and made us dinner, which was lovely!  Sunday was another chill day.  Of course both of these days were filled to the brim with laundry!  Washing, drying, folding, putting away laundry!  I not only washed a crap-ton of clothes, but also all our bedding, curtains, shower curtain, and bathroom rugs.  Oh and a few of our lay around blankets.  Yeah I did a LOT of laundry.  Then I had the stomach flu.  Now I'm healing.
(About the title, I actually don't know what happenstance means.  I'm off now to google it, so perhaps in the future I will use it correctly.)

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