Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh Em Gee

What a busy week!  I can't believe it's Thursday!  Last week went so slow and now this one is just whipping by!  I think it's probably b/c of how busy we've been!  Sunday I cleaned the house then we had the family over for dinner and a movie.  Monday we picked up Josh then headed to Sonnie's for dinner and general hanging out.  Tuesday I went for a swim then came home and made dinner, then we spent some quality time with Josh.  Wednesday we went to dinner with Jon's grandparents then headed over to Sonnie's again to freeze corn.  Tonight we took Josh back to his mom and then came home for some relaxation.  We have a busy weekend ahead too!  Saturday night we are hanging out with Dustin and Amber, then Sunday is my company picnic followed by dinner at David's.  Whew!
I'll be happy to have some time to chill next week!  Just a bit though.  Jon's birthday is next week so of course I'll have to plan a little something!  I really need to get back into the picture taking so I'm not just a bunch of text over here!  Maybe I'll post a video.
Anyway that pretty much catches you up!  Toodles homies!

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