Saturday, August 13, 2011

Uh Oh...

Looks like I'm going to have an emotional day.  It started out with a dream I was back in middle school which sent my awake self reminiscing about old times.  (I kinda miss being young with no responsibilities.  Of course I wouldn't trade today for anything!  I would go back and visit though.)  Then I made the mistake of reading a baby blog and facebook (I really think EVERYONE is knocked up!) with my morning coffee, and now I'm sad b/c I don't belong to the mommy club yet.  (Seriously though, for the non mom's out there, doesn't it seem like there is this elusive mommy club that you don't belong to?  They have they're own language!  I mean I am NOT ready to belong to that club yet (I love my Sunday afternoon naps!) but still...  I do belong to the step mom club and that's pretty cool...)
ANYWAY!  Add the fact that we have to treat the house and CAT for fleas (where did they come from, WHERE?!) and it looks like I'm going to have an emotional day.  Sigh.  And yes I know I used far too many parenthesis to be grammatically correct.  I don't care.
So back to that flea thing.  We have discovered a few of the little nasties on poor itchy Topeka.  So we are going no holds barred on the varmints and treating the ENTIRE house as well as the cat.  This involves a lot of laundry, a lot of vacuuming, a lot of spraying, and what is sure to be a very unpleasant cat bath.  Oh and he has to wear a purple flea collar.  Yeah.  For those who wanna know, no we do not let Topeka outside (he's only been out a couple times and that was several months ago).  We think the pests came in on someone or something.  Oh and yes, we just had him to the vet a month ago and no fleas then, just an allergy that cleared right up.  When did my cat become high maintenance?!  Sigh.  This face does make it worth it though...

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